mr.hubby akan balik dr his job this Thursday, InsyaAllah. As usual, the 'standby day mode' for mr.hubby will be fulled with aktiviti memenuhkan perut - sbb kat atas 'sana' mana ada makanan sedap plus takde suami selera makan si isteri pun takdok ler ;p
Before we start digging our saving $$kaching for whole-awesome-week, i think it is better to put the very important to-do-list as a main focus bila mr.hubby dah ada kat darat.
1) Bayar Zakat Harta
first time in our life, seriously!! Been blessed with a lot of rezeki over the years, Alhamdulillah...hopefully it's not too late for us to perform this rukun.
Kena gi Pejabat Agama ke utk tau berapa jumlah kena bayar zakat? Ada kena bawak apa2 document tak?
2) PTPTN rules!!
dah pinjam, dah guna kena ler bayar. hehe.. Nak bincang dgn pengawai yg i ni entitled tak dpt 1% interest tuh. Parah wei nak bayar RM80K.
3) Insurance procedure
sbb kes Asthma, policy insurance i dah hang nak masuk setahun. Kena kasi setel cepat, esok lusa kita tatau apa nak jadi.
Setel semua baru senang hati mau enjoy lor...