Alhamdulillah, sudah satu bulan Faris membesar. Berat Faris tak naik byk sgt, ala-ala cukup makan gitu. Dari 3.2kg awl lahir dah jadi 4.3kg.
Some useful tips from a webiste utk bantu progress development baby.
- Give baby some tummy time so that he can look at the world in a different way.
- It’s never too early to begin reading to your child.
- Use a steady tone — but keep it expressive, low and comforting — to help strengthen the bond between you.
- Remember to place baby on his/ her back for bedtime! Baby should be sleeping for at least 16 to 18 hours a day. However, some newborns tend to be more wakeful than others and this is perfectly normal.
- Ideal toys for this age ( 1 month baby ) - child-safe music boxes, activity mirrors
Sudah tanned maaa.....
Ramai org tanya, kenapa Faris dah tanned skang.. Rasanya awl2 lahir dlo, dia ikut mama dia kejap. Sekarang ni turn ikut papa lak le. Tanned pun tapele, boy kalo tanned baru macho.